Website launched

Stage 1 of the Southern Cross Safari website was launched on 8 July 2014 and has already received a swag of hits. The guys at Pondr, a Melbourne-based IT company, did a great job developing the site – it’s clear, colourful and easy to navigate. It includes a German page if that is your preferred language.

Stage 2 will be launched when print and e-books are available for purchase. The site will also have some new features including chapter-by-chapter photo galleries to complement the written narrative, and an interactive Google map displaying the route.

I’m currently expanding the book’s last chapter to include a few final thoughts. That may push back the end of July completion deadline, but not by much as my editor Maryanne has finished proof reading the other 20 chapters.

As soon as the manuscript is finalised I will start exploring publishing options – and thinking about the next trip!

In the meantime, instead of watching the world go by through a bus or train window, I’m looking out my office window at a cold and cloudy midwinter morning in Canberra. As the forecast is only 8°C, I will have to rug up before taking the dogs for their daily ramble.

Happy travelling